Walking inside the walls

Walking inside the wall of Venzone, you appreciate numerous artistic and architectural details. Careful visitors will be able to notice the signs left by the different historical events following a walking route from the South Gate to the North one.

Entering from Porta di Sotto, a round arch dating back to 1835, we find on the right Casa Marcurele – Marcuele House the oldest building of the village, built in the eleventh century. Romanesque style with mullioned windows in bas-relief.

Proceeding northwards we see the fourteenth-century Palazzo degli Scaligeri and the Palazzo Zinutti, a thirteenth-century building embellished with an elegant balcony with wrought iron parapet and baroque door.

In this historical journey it is necessary to stop and admire the Duomo, a Romanesque-Gothic Cathedral of ‘300 considered the symbol of the post-earthquake restoration. The Cathedral was consecrated in 1338 by Patriarch Bertrando, its T-shaped cross plan consists of a longitudinal nave and a large transept with the three apse presbyters and the two towers

The organ inside the Cathedral of Venzone dates back to 1792, is the work of the master organ maker G. Callido and has been restored in 1996.

In the front churchyard of the Cathedral we find the Chapel of San Michele built in 1200 and now home to the permanent museum dedicated to the Mummies of Venzone

The discovery of the nearly forty mummies extracted from the tombs present inside and around the Duomo dates back to 1647, when the first mummy known today as the “hunchback” was discovered. The natural mummification of the bodies exposed here is due to particular environmental conditions that occurred in some graves in which the Hypha bombicina Pers developed, a mold that has the property of dehydrating the tissues inhibiting decomposition.

Taking the route through the historic centre you come across Casa Calderari (XIV century) from the cozy inner courtyard and you reach Piazza Municipio on which stands the Town Hall. A Gothic palace built in 1400 and rebuilt in 1500 whose external facades are decorated with the coats of arms of the most ancient noble families of Venzone and refined by mullioned windows in Gothic-flowered style

Palazzo Radiussi overlooks the square, a noble residence characterized by a Venetian-Gothic three-light window in the fifteenth century and a seventeenth-century portal.

Continuing north, we find Palazzo Orgnani Martina, a noble palace of the eighteenth century, the best preserved in Venzone. Entering through the stone portal, you will admire the inner courtyard, renovated in the ‘700 with a stone gallery and an elegant wrought iron parapet. Now it is home to the main museums and temporary exhibitions Venzonesi. On the opposite side of Via Mistruzzi, we can admire the former Palazzo Radiussi, of the fifteenth century, enriched by a Renaissance balcony and a Gothic-flowered mullioned window.

Arrived at Porta Nord we take a side street, which runs along the city walls and allows us to reach Palazzo Pozzo, a noble palace of the seventeenth century, and a little further on the former convent of the Augustinians, building of the fifteenth century. with porch and lodge of the seventeenth century.

Continuing in Via Alberton del Colle we arrive at the remains of the Church of St. John the Baptist, built in the fourteenth century, whose rubble still bear witness to the violence of the earthquake of 1976, which spared only the main facade. The portal of the Church bears the architectural features of the Gothic style with capitals decorated with figures and floral motifs.

Crossing in a transversal way the historical center we find Porta S. Genesio, fourteenth-century defense tower that is inserted on the edge of the inner walls and that represents the only door completely rebuilt.

The village of Venzone is surrounded by a large moat and an interesting double circle of walls of the thirteenth century: the first ring of walls forms a embankment on which is built the second, interspersed with rectangular towers, while on the south-corner a polygonal tower rises west.

Of particular interest is also the north-western corner of the walls, which climbs on a hill where there are the two towers that dominated the main way of passage and communication of the time.